Wednesday 28 January 2015

The Twelve Houses in Kundli, Their Meaning and Importance in Kundli Chart.

Description of all twelve houses in Vedic Astrology, Janam Kundli (Birth Chart) 12 houses in Kundli, their significance in Kundli chart. Kundli houses and their lords in Vedic Astrology. Learn about 12 different houses of in Janam Kundli and lord of 12 houses in Vedic Astrology. 12 houses in Kundli, their placement of planets, their lord and their placement in Kundli.
Meaning of respective houses in Hindu Kundli and their importance:
1.     House 1 in Kundli – House of the Self – Tanu Bhava
2.     House 2 in Kundli – House of Wealth – Dhan Bhava
3.     House 3 in Kundli – The House of the Siblings – Sahai Bhava
4.     House 4 in Kundli – House of the Home/Mother – Bandhu Bhava
5.     House 5 in Kundli – The House of Children – Putra Bhava
6.     House 6 in Kundli – The House of Enemies – Ari Bhava
7.     House 7 in Kundli – The House of the Spouse – Yuvati Bhava
8.     House 8 in Kundli – The House of Death – Randhr Bhava
9.     House 9 in Kundli – The House of Fortune – Dharma Bhava
10. House 10 in Kundli – House of the Career – Karma Bhava
11. House 11 in Kundli – The House of Large Sums, Gains and Friends – Labh Bhava
12. House 12 in Kundli – The House of Enlightenment – Vyaya Bhava
Read below to see the detailed meaning and importance of each houses in Kundli.
The Twelve houses in Vedic Astrology (Hindu) and Their Significance
1. First House in Kundli
·         House of the Self – Tanu Bhava
·         Lagnasthan, Tanusthan
Ascendant or “Lagna” in Sanskrit.
The planet ruling the 1st house becomes your Lagna or symbol for your birth chart/life chart. This house signifies life, longevity, self, health, nature and appearance of native.  It represents you as a human being, who you are generally. When well aspected it can give fame, beauty, popularity, good health and the ability to make a good first impression. When afflicted, it can do the opposite.
First House represents Body, fame, strength, character, courage, knowledge or lack of it, residence, place of birth, dignity, honour, ancestry, livelihood, the present wisdom, wealth, comforts and discomforts, self-respect, peace of mind, happiness and un-happiness, detachment, virtues and vices, health of parents.
Body in general, limbs, complexion, marks or moles on the body, sound and unsound health, skin texture, longevity, sleep, head, brain, texture of hair, stamina.
2. Second House
·         House of Wealth – Dhan Bhava
·         Dhana-sthan, Kutumb-sthan
This house indicates inflow of finances, bank position, right eye, family, early age or boyhood, speech, sanyas, servants and friends. Self earned wealth, loss or damage, worldly possessions, jewellery, grandfather and mother. It also denotes family, understanding with family members, inheritance and law suits. The quality of what a person eats and drinks can be seen here. Also, foul language and the tendency to lie is seen from this house.
Face, teeth, tongue, oral cavity, nose, nails, speech, eyes(right eye).
3. Third House
·         The House of the Siblings – Sahai Bhava
·         Shatru-sthan, Parakram-sthan
It denotes younger brothers and sisters and their relations. It signifies courage, intelligence, education up to Higher Secondary level, taste for writing, ornaments, clothes, short journeys. Signing contracts and documents etc. It also represents physical fitness, hobbies, talent, education and good qualities.
Ears(right ear), neck, throat, shoulders, bones, upper limbs, mental instability, physical growth, and longevity.
4. Fourth House
·         House of the Home/Mother – Bandhu Bhava
·         Matru-sthan, Sukha-sthan
This house signifies mother, property, conveyance, domestic surroundings and happiness. Old age environments, private affairs, public, inheritance, false allegations, agriculture land and its produce. It is also responsible for hidden treasures, comforts and discomforts, victory and defeat and possession of cattle.
Chest, lungs, heart, breast, potent, medicine.
5. Fifth House
·         The House of Children – Putra Bhava
·         Vidya-sthan, Putra-sthan
It is responsible for Children, speculation, intellectual status and luck are gauged from this house. It also gives pleasure, love affairs, lady love, legal or illegal amusements. The Fifth house is responsible for kidnap and rape. It denotes mental ability, learning, knowledge, character, acquisitions through wife, fascination for women and karmas of past lives.
Heart, upper abdomen, liver, gall bladder, mind, mental illness, problems related to pregnancy.
6. Sixth House
·         The House of Enemies – Ari Bhava
·         Ripu-sthan, Rog-sthan
This house is responsible for enemies, health, service, servants, uncle, aunts and relations on father’s side. It represents Enemies, oppositions, mental agitation, injuries, accident, disease, wounds sustained in war, loans, debts, losses, disappointments, obstacles, poisions, slanders, humiliation, cruelty, indulgence in prohibited acts, theft, quarrels, imprisonment, maternal uncles, maternal aunt, step-mother, pets, cattle, flavours of food, servants, subordinates, nuisances in general.
Intestines, umbilical region, phlegmatic illness, tuberculosis, eye disease, poisoning, accidents, operations.
7. Seventh House
·         The House of the Spouse – Yuvati Bhava
·         Bharya-sthan, Maraka-sthan
Matters regarding wife, husband, partnership, external sex organs, conjugal happiness are associated with the Seventh House. It also represents Spouse, sex partner, marriage, adultery, lust or passion, nature or character of spouse, sexual union, secret love affairs, journey, deviation from ones path, partnership in business, overt enemies, quarrels, theft, loss of memory, recovery of lost wealth, progress, attainment of status, grandfather, brothers son death.
Lower urinary tract, anal canal, semen, seminal vesicle, urethra, prostrate, sexual act.
8. Eighth House
·         The House of Death – Randhr Bhava
·         Mrityu-sthan
Eight House is a very important house and represents death, obstacle, defeat, disgrace, diseases, finances through unfair means, internal sex organs, longevity, mental pain obstacles, dowry of wife, gain from in laws, mode of death, imprisonment, worries, misery, loss of memory, sin, killing a living being, capital punishment, nature of death, place of death, wickedness, humiliation, wifes wealth and sudden unexpected gain.
External genitalia, incurable or chronic disease, loss of limb, longevity, cause of death, severe mental anguish.
9. Ninth House
·         The House of Fortune – Dharma Bhava
·         Bhagya-sthan
This house indicates religion, father, foreign travel, publicity, preceptor, higher education, learning, writing books, Virtuous deeds, pilgrimages, worship, religious inclination, devotional and religious learning, karmas of the present birth, splendour, association with virtuous, auspiciousness, the preceptor or guru, father, austerity, penance, charity, kindness, wisdom, knowledge, devotion towards the preceptor, spiritual initiation, mental quietude, fame and fortune, progeny, temples, vedic rituals, long journeys, travel by sea.
Hips, thighs, nourishment.
10. Tenth House
·         House of the Career – Karma Bhava
·         Karma-sthan, Pitru-sthan
This is an important house and indicates profession, source of livelihood, income through job, foreign travel, financial status,, property, status in life, activities outside house, pleasures, honor, wealth, political power, social status, hidden treasure, prescribed course, education, performance of sacred and religious deeds.
Knee joint, knee cap, lower part of body.
11. Eleventh House
·         The House of Large Sums, Gains and Friends – Labh Bhava
·         Labha-sthan
Eleventh House represents for income, acquisition, fulfillment of desires, accumulated wealth, rewards, favours from government and rulers,  special status, ancestral property, elder brothers and sisters and relations with them. It also denotes gains of all the nature, lost wealth and profits and returns.
Legs, left ear, left upper limb, recovery from disease.
12. Twelfth House
·         The House of Enlightenment – Vyaya Bhava
·         Vyaya-sthan
It signifies private enemies, pleasures of beds, law suits, imprisonments, secret works, moksha, hospitalization, conjugal relations with opposite sex other than legitimate. Sorrows, debts, lost goods etc. It also represents spending money, mental anguish, loss of sleep, physical disease, wickedness, penury, imprisonment, confinement in an enemys house, loss of spouse and loss in travel and enemies.
Sleep disorders, mental imbalance, hospitalisation, feet, left eye, death.
Points to remember to understand Kundli of a person:
1. The kendras(or Quadrants) : Houses 1,4, 7 and 10. These are highly significant houses.
2. The panapharas(or Successant Houses) : Houses 2,5, 8 and 11.
3. The Apoklimas(or Cadent Houses) : Houses 3,6,9 and 12.
4. The Trikons(or Trines) : Houses 1,5 and 9. These are highly auspicious and, along with the kendras, determine the health, wealth, status, dignity, rise and virtue or a native. The lagna being both a kendra and a trikona, is the most significant of all the houses.
5. The Upachayas : Houses 3,6, 10 and 11. These houses indicate struggle, competition and material achievement.
6. The Trika Houses : houses 6,8 and 12. These are considered bad houses(Duhsthanas). They indicate debt, disease, loss and misery.
7. The Ayu-sthanas(or houses of longevity) : Houses 8 and 3(8th from the 8th). They indicate the length of life and therefore, also the death.
8. The maraka-sthanas(or killer houses): houses 2 and 7.
9. The two halves of a horoscope.
a. Houses 1 to 7 indicate the invisible half and houses 7 to 1 indicate the visible half of the horoscope.
b. Houses 10 to 4 indicate the eastern half and houses 4 to 10 indicate the western half of the horoscope.